Congrats! We’ve Received Your Info… Let’s Get Started!

First off, welcome aboard!
We started our local Property Finders Cash Incentive Program a little while ago for a few main reasons.
- We want to buy a few houses per month here in Ohio and California (and surrounding areas) and we’re currently seeing some shortages of good house leads through our normal marketing channels
- You know your area better than we do! So it’s a big time win-win-win. You can do this in your spare time… even on your way to work. We get great leads for houses. The neighborhoods improve because we fix up the house and put a buyer who loves the house into them (improving the overall neighborhood).
- It’s awesome working with local people like you. We get to teach some of the things we know about real estate investing to people who want to learn… and you gain great experience and knowledge getting to kind of “be on the inside” of a local active investment company so maybe someday you can dive into real estate yourself!
Being a Property Finder for us is an excellent way for you to earn extra income and learn more about real estate investing… without having to lay out any cash to buy a course… etc.
Ok… so let’s dive in.
Start Here – Your Property Finder Resource Page
Where Do I Find Properties?
What Should I Look For In A Good Property Lead?
What Do I Have To Do In The Process When I Find A Property Lead?
When you find a property that you feel meets our criteria, submit it through our simple online Property Intake Form. The more information you gather for us and send to us through the form the better. More info means we’ll be able to process the property faster, determine if it’s a deal we’re going to make an offer on, and hopefully close on faster!
A few quick notes here.
Quality over quantity please: We’ve had some people go through Craigslist or Zillow and just submit every “For Sale By Owner” property they found on there and never followed up and chatted with the actual seller. Those kinds of leads honestly aren’t helpful for us and will likely just lead to wasted time for each of us. Properties being advertised for sale are not great leads because many buyers know about them. We are more interested in leads other buyers don’t know anything about.
A better opportunity for both of us would be a property you see that has been neglected and/or is possibly vacant, the grass is very high, windows are boarded up or it appears to be in disrepair and in need of some TLC. Those could be perfect candidates. Another opportunity might be at a home having a garage sale, which could mean the owner is preparing to move soon and might be interested in selling fast.
First to submit a lead gets the credit: If more than one Property Finder submits the same property, the credit goes to the first to submit it to us with the full property profile.